younG EnterpreNeurs In eUropean Schools

 Erasmus + Program
 Five European project schools
 A great team,
 full of energy and enthusiasm
 We have all agreed
 on a great vision of future cooperation
 We are 
 younG EnterpreNeurs In eUropean Schools


The good times in Finland are already long gone, but the beautiful memories remain. Let’s look back at the wonderful week had. 

Ever since we were told that we were going to take part in Erasmus+, we were excited and eager to get to work. After several months of waiting we finally delved into work on our project that would be presented in Finland. It was an entirely new challenge, since hardly any of us had had any previous experience with entrepreneurship. During the presentation of our projects, however, we saw that all of the teams had tackled this challenge with skill and innovative ideas. Whether it was the winning cooler powered by solar energy presented by Denmark, the practical DIY food kit by Italy, the handmade wooden products by Finland, the beer brewing school by Slovakia or the brewery where you could apply what you’ve learned there presented by Greece.

When the time to depart finally came, we were full of expectations as well as doubts. We were going to spend a week in a new environment, with a new family and among complete strangers. We were concerned by the social and cultural differences, which we saw as a barrier in making new friends.

These doubts didn’t last very long though, with the meeting of our host families for the very first time who heartily welcomed us at the airport. When they brought us to our new homes they did everything to make us feel at home as well, and we recognized that they were not only extremely nice and sacrificing hosts, but also great friends.

Lovisa, the city where we stayed during our week in Finland, was a true heaven on earth. Its beautiful architecture combined with peace uncharacteristic for cities, created a wonderful atmosphere, which made us fall in love with the town at first sight. On the very next day we got to enjoy the city during a guided tour.

But since there were also duties connected with the project, we were expected to present our business plans and ideas. It was actually necessary to present our project twice - after the first presentation of our business plans we were divided into international groups, which were supposed to bring new ideas into the individual projects and thus contribute to their improvement. Afterwards we presented our business plans in front of a professional jury composed of experienced Finnish entrepreneurs, who provided us with professional feedback.

In addition, our week was stuffed with various exciting events and activities and there simply wasn’t time to be bored. We took part in lessons at the Lovisa Gymnasium, which gave us the opportunity to compare the local educational system with ours. We also got to visit a company called Eltete in Lovisa, which was a great contribution to our experience with entrepreneurship. And of course, we didn’t miss the opportunity to see the capital of Finland - Helsinki. Among other activities, many of which were prepared for us by our host families, were for instance bowling, ice skating, sledding and of course the ever-present sauna. All of this concluded with a farewell disco at the Lovisa Gymnasium.

The week spent in Finland left us with countless charming memories, which are brought to our minds whenever we hear for instance the word sauna. We had many new experiences, got to know a new country, new people, and in a way also ourselves. All that’s left to do now is to look forward to the next meeting in Italy and then afterwards, Slovakia.